A Hokie far from home
June 2, 2019 | Sophia Trout
In high school, I had the opportunity to go to Germany. It was the most adventurous and liberating thing I'd ever done. I swore I'd make it back and fast forward to this summer, as a rising junior at Virginia Tech, I have found myself taking a leap of faith into a new adventure, this time in Switzerland. A tip I should've retained better after my last trip is always to expect the unexpected. Last time it was the cold front that hit Germany, this go around, it's the looming clouds in the sky ensuing a summer shower at any moment.
Photo: Sophia Trout
I'd be lying if I said it was all sunshine and rainbows the first week, in fact, it rained for most of it. When I say rain, I don't mean a drizzle or an on-and-off again situation. It poured, consistently, for a majority of our first week. Why rain? Why'd you decide to come this week? We spent our days hiding under awnings in Lugano, huddling in the doorway of ancient churches in Riva San Vitale and taking the opportunity to take pictures whenever the rain subsided for more than a minute. After a few hours each day of soaking our clothes, worrying about the cameras getting wet and having locals tell us "it usually never rains this time of year," you come to think you bring bad luck with you. However, you have to look at it from a different perspective.
The way I see it, the rain is a welcome. It's the Earth's way of saying Hello, of making us see things from a different perspective and getting us a little "soaking wet" as Daniella forewarned before our walking tour. I don't mind the rain. I now know always to be prepared for the unexpected!